Box Elder County Fair 

Livestock General Rules 2024

Not all situations can be foreseen and might not be covered in this book. The  directors take every effort to be fair. If a situation arises that is contrary to the intent of the  Box Elder Junior Livestock program, the directors will meet with 4-H and FFA  representatives to come up with a solution. Violation could be subject to disciplinary action  up to, and including, forfeiture from the show and sale.  The directors of each organization listed below are the people responsible for the  final decision. Their decisions have been coordinated with the appropriate people as  needed. The decision communicated by the director is final and must be adhered to. 

Director of Each Organization: 

SHEEP- Marlon Bingham 

STEERS- Rich Holmgren 

GOATS- Stetson Summers

HOGS- Chris Sorensen

AUCTION- Chubb Munns 

Rules and Regulations for Livestock 

Rules may be interpreted upon the discretion of the BEJL Board.  

Health Requirements on All Animals 

All apparently healthy animals may enter the Box Elder County Fair without a Health  certificate, with the exception that all breeding cattle must have proof of brucellosis vaccination.  The respective supervisor will closely screen any animal that does not appear to be healthy. Then  a local veterinarian will examine the animal at the owner’s expense to fully determine the  animal’s ability to stay in the show. 

All exhibitors are urged not to bring animals that are sick or have recently been ill. All animals with ringworm or skin lesions will be barred from competition. We urge owners and exhibitors to guard other livestock by not bringing diseased animals to the fair. 

All owners will exhibit their livestock at their own risk. Box Elder County and the Box  Elder County Fair board will not assume any risk or accept responsibility for sickness, accident,  disease or the animal’s death while at the fair or contracted at the fair. 

With some animals it is advisable to vaccinate them prior to association with other  animals at the fair. We recommend that you contact your veterinarian for his/her advice on these  matters. Swine, sheep, cattle and goats must meet standard health requirements as determined by species Director. Any sick or uncontrollable animals will not be displayed and must be removed  from the show.

All livestock trailers will need to park in the designated area 

No Unauthorized ATVs Allowed


1. Treating an animal internally or externally, with any irritant, counter-irritant or other substance used to artificially change the conformation or appearance of an animal for show is considered unethical, inhumane and is prohibited.

The use of non livestock approved dyes, spray paint, glitter, decoration, or other artificial coloring, which results in altering an animal's true and natual appearance and/or color is prohibited.

Any liquid or substance not considered part  of an accepted and normal diet for livestock is deemed illegal and inhumane. For example; the use of alcoholic or carbonated beverages as a drench or filler. Drenching will not be allowed unless the show veterinarian or species director is present and is needed for emergency purposes only.

2. The use of tranquilizers, sedatives or depressants, which alter the physical or physiological state of the animal, is illegal. Exceptions to this rule would be licensed, certified veterinarians, treatment for a recognized disease or injury or recommendation for  tranquilizing breeding animals in heat that might compromise the safety of others. The  drugs must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in meat-producing  animals. All exhibitors will advise show management of any drugs and/or medication administered to an animal that might be detected at the time of showing or at meat  inspection. The name of the drug, its purpose, the person who administered the drug, time, and date of administration will be presented to show management prior to the showing and sale of the animals. Failure to report this information will result in severe penalty and/or disqualification. Any use of drugs or substances not approved by the Food and Drug Administration is strictly prohibited. The use of feed products with Ractopamine (i.e. Palylean) is prohibited outside of it's labeled use. All animals entered in livestock competition will be subject to testing for foreign substances that exceed acceptable levels established by the FDA, FSIS, USDA or EPA. All Grand Champion and Reserve Champion animals of each species will be drug tested at the conclusion of their respective market show. During the livestock event, in the case of an animal requiring treatment, all medication shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian and the species director shall be notified.

3. Surgery, injection, or insertion of foreign material under the skin and/or into the flesh of animals to change the natural contour, confirmation or appearance of an animal’s body is illegal. This includes vegetable oil, silicon, or any other substances used to alter an  animal's shape. Acceptable practices of physical preparations, which are allowed, include: clipping of hair, trimming of hooves, dehorning or removal of ancillary teats. 

4. The use of inhumane fitting, showing, and/or handling practices of devices shall not be tolerated. For example: breaking of tails, striking of the animal to cause swelling or for bracing purposes, use of electrical devices, muzzles, etc. is not acceptable.

     5. Direct criticism, belligerency and/ or interference with the judge, show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives or show officials before, during or after the competitive         event is prohibited. Judge’s decisions are final and must be respected.

Anyone approaching a judge in a threatening, harassing, or hostile manner will jeopardize the standing of associated exhibitors and be subjected to criminal charges. 


                                                                  CODE OF CONDUCT

Judges, Directors, and Volunteers work hard at ensuring they do the right thing. We expected these people to be shown courtesy and respect. From time to time decisions are made that could be upsetting to both the participants or a family member. Any verbal abuse, personal attacks, or physical altercations will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action will be taken upon the participant whether it’s his/her or family member up to expulsion  for the current show or sell. It could also lead to restrictions from future shows. 


1. All animals must be cared for during the entire fair or premium money will be forfeited. If negligence is shown, the animal will not be sold during the Junior Livestock Sale on Saturday.

2. All market animals will be weighed once, on approved scales. Animals not making the weight requirements will be disqualified by the members of the species committee.

3. A shrink on lambs and pigs or additional shrinkage on steers may be assessed by management when there is indication that animals are overfed.

4. Any animal deemed unruly during the weigh-in at the county fair can be disqualified by show management. If an exhibitor cannot demonstrate control of their animal, it will be disqualified and the animal will have to be removed from the fairgrounds. Tranquilizers are strictly prohibited. A Veterinarian will be available to diagnose any health issues.

       5. All market animals will be divided into classes by weight.

      6. All animals must be cleaned and washed in species specific designated wash rack areas.

7. Market animals loaded at the fairgrounds after the close of the fair must have been tagged for the Box Elder County Fair.


1. Open to all FFA and 4H members in Box Elder County. Membership must be verified if questions arise. To exhibit at the Box Elder County Fair members of these organizations have to complete 3rd grade as of current year 2024, though the 12th grade (the summer after high school graduation). *Please pay close attention to current State 4H and FFA guidelines on membership. All 4H members must have properly enrolled with the USU Extension office in that project area in order to compete. FFA members must be enrolled in the livestock project planning to exhibit with their local FFA Chapter. High School graduates who are exhibiting in 4H or FFA can exhibit only the summer after high  school graduation.

2. In order to qualify to show market livestock in the Box Elder Junior Livestock show, 4H and FFA exhibitors must currently reside in Box Elder county and must be currently enrolled in a Box Elder County School or a school pre-approved by the BEJL Board. Any exception must be submitted yearly to the livestock committee. Failure to  comply with this ruling will result in the market livestock exhibitor being disqualified  from the show and losing all auction proceeds. Exhibitor eligibility will be determined by  the BEJL Board.

3. All FFA exhibitors attending the show will be responsible to their high school agriculture teachers, and 4H members will be responsible to the extension agent or club leader for the entire duration of the show.

    4. An exhibitor may not make entries in the same division under 4H and FFA

    5. It is recommended that each exhibitor have a sign identifying their exhibit.

    6. The dress code for exhibitors during the show and sale will be: 4H - a long or short sleeve shirt which is fastens down the front with a collar is mandatory. Shirts must be White in color and need not be western style. No lettering allowed. There is to be a 4H emblem or patch on all 4-H member’s shirts. Full length black or blue pants are to be  worn by 4H and FFA members. Vest will be allowed. The following will not be  allowed: Shorts, T-shirts, tank tops, tube tops, or sleeveless shirts. FFA- Either a white  shirt, tie and FFA jacket or a white shirt with the FFA emblem and tie ( T-shirts are not  allowed ) Exhibitors who fail to abide by 4H and FFA dress standards will forfeit  prize money and the opportunity to show or sell their animal.

7. The fitting of show animals will take place in areas designated by the livestock show committee. Parents, guardians, siblings, club Leaders, extension/4H agents and FFA advisors may assist, and are encouraged to assist the younger exhibitors, however, each exhibitor must be working with the project animal and be in attendance with the animal during the entire fitting process. Flagrant violation will result in the animal being disqualified from the show and sale.

8. All 4H and FFA Market steer, lamb, hog, and goat exhibitors will be required to turn in an updated record book or portfolio prior to receiving their sale check. These books need to follow the guidelines set by the BEJL Board and/or the FFA department and are to be the work of the exhibitor. All Livestock Record Books and Portfolios are due November 1 2024. Please see the Box Elder Junior Livestock Website for Record Book and Portfolio submission information. Failure to complete and submit a record book or portfolio by November 1 2024, will result in a $250 late fee deducted from the exhibitor's check. All checks issued by BEJL must be cashed by July 1st of the  following year of the issued check. To have a check reissued, a $100 reissue fee will be taken from the check.

9. Exhibitors are to write a thank you letter to their buyer and booster supporters prior to receiving their sale check.

10. Exhibitors must be present to show and sell their own animal. If not, they will be sifted from the show and the auction. Any exceptions require written permission from the livestock directors

11. The Exhibitor is responsible for the animal until it is loaded for removal from the fairgrounds at the close of the fair. If the animal dies before the auction, the exhibitor will not be eligible for floor value or boost. Failure to bring the animal to the fairgrounds in good condition, the Exhibitor will then forfeit all proceeds and boosts.

      12. Exhibitor’s livestock trailers will park only in designated areas.

13. Educational Clinics will be encouaraged, but not required.   


     1. Exhibitors may not receive more than two premiums in any class.

2. No premiums will be allowed for animals or exhibits which, in the opinion of the judge, do not meet the minimum qualifications.

3. . All premiums will correspond with the open class premiums as follows: A- 1st, B - 2nd, C - 3rd


*Exhibitors are responsible to pickup their own premiums at designated locations and times at the Fairgrounds. All Premiums must be picked up by 10 PM Saturday night.



1. 4H or FFA members may tag an unlimited amount of animals per species for the Box Elder County Fair. Exhibitor must be registered with Box Elder Junior Livestock and paid the correct amount for the animal/ tags. Families with registered 4H and/or FFA may tag an alternate/family project animal as long as that project is used by immediate family members (brothers or sisters).

2. Any effort to remove or change any tag placed by the Livestock Committee without their written approval is sufficient cause for permanent disqualification.

3. Notification of any steer, lamb, hog, or goat losing its tag must be given to a committee member immediately. Re-tagging of the animal will then be overseen by a member of the livestock committee.

4. When an animal enters the Box Elder Jr. Livestock Show and is weighed and accepted, all other tags must be removed. (except for health identification tags)

5. Any animal with a tag at weigh-in that does not match the tag number from registration is  subject to sifting at the discretion of the livestock director.


It is important FFA and 4H members declare which program they plan to affiliate with during  the current year. When the livestock or small animal project is tagged, the exhibitor will declare through pre-registration either 4H or FFA for that project. If you declare a project as an FFA  project, then you will need to complete a FFA record book. If you declare yourself a 4-H  member, you will need to complete a 4H portfolio. It is not permissible to complete a 4H and  FFA portfolio for the same project.  

The Livestock Committee Directors: 

President- Jeff Dallin

Board/Show Secretary- Jade Garn

Finance Secretary- Connie Getz 

Sheep Department - Marlon Bingham 

Hog Department Chris Sorensen

Steer Department - Richard Holmgren 

Goat Department – Stetson Summers

Auction - Chubb Munns

4H – Ashley Longmore

FFA- Dave Shaffer 

Fair Board President - Jan Rhodes




1. Participants must be local 4H or FFA members residing in Box Elder County and must abide by the general rules.

2. Any market animals going through the Box Elder 4H/ FFA Junior Livestock Auction cannot be sold in any other prior junior livestock auction. The exhibitor will be disqualified from the fair and be subject to disciplinary actions.

     3. All animals sold at the junior livestock auction are consigned to the auction.

4. No partnership, club or chapter entries will be allowed to sell a market animal through the sale.

5. Any market animal excluding the grand and reserve champions not wishing to sell their animal must so indicate to the BEJL office one hour after the selection of that division's grand champion animal.

     6. All animals will be sold by the head, instead of by the pound at the sale.

7. All blue and red ribbon animals will sell during the Junior Livestock Sale. White ribbon animals will not be permitted to sell in the auction.

8. Married persons are not eligible to show or sell an animal through the Junior Livestock Sale.

9. Exhibitors will be allowed to show and sell only one animal of the following: 1steer, 1 hog, 1 lamb,1 goat

10. Exhibitors who voluntarily withdraw or have their animal pulled from the sale will not be eligible to receive boosts through the Junior Livestock Sale nor will the BEJL  auction allow boosts or have responsibility for the animal or exhibitor.

11. The exhibitor is required to show and sell their own animal. If not they will be sifted from the show and the auction. Any exceptions require written permission from the livestock director.

12. Those donating to Friends of the Fair will not be listed or recognized individually. Only those buyers who buy or boost in their own name will receive recognition.

13. All sales are final. If you wish to keep an animal to butcher or take home, you will pay the full price.

No private treaties will be accepted and there will be no lot card changes without prior consent of the current buyer and livestock director.

14. All 4H and FFA Market steer, lamb, hog, and goat exhibitors will be required to turn in an updated record book or portfolio prior to receiving their sale check. These books need to follow the guidelines set by the BEJL Board and or the FFA department and are to be the work of the exhibitor. All Livestock Record Books and Portfolios are due November 1 2024. Please see the Box Elder Junior Livestock Website for Record Book and Portfolio submission information. Failure to complete and submit a record book or portfolio by November 1 2024, will result in a $250 late fee deducted from the exhibitor's check. All checks issued by BEJL must be cashed by July 1st of the following year of the issued check, or the amount will be forfeited as a donation to BEJL.

Sale Order will be announced soon.