Novelty Goat Show Signups


Goat Breeding/Novelty Show Schedule

Monday, August 19     

Check-in ..............5:30 pm

Show begins ...........7:00 pm













General Information

Goats are divided by age and category (meat, dairy, or novelty) of the animal


Age divisions (child’s age as of Jan. 1, 2024)

A: Peewee 2nd grade and younger

B: Juniors 3rd grade- 5th grade

C: Intermediate 6th grade-8th grade

D: Senior 9th grade-12th grade



1. All entries must meet standard health requirements as determined by the director and veterinarian. All animals will be checked upon check in, any sick animal will not show and will leave immediately.

2. All animals are entered at the owner’s risk. We will do all we can to ensure the safety and well-being of your animal while at the fair.

3. Each exhibitor will be responsible for the care of their animal while at the fair. The overall supreme and reserve supreme animals will stay and be displayed during the duration of the fair. All other entries will be excused and return home following the show.

4. NO BILLIES/INTACT MALES ALLOWED. Does and wethers only. Each animal will be checked upon check in.

5. All animals being shown at the Box Elder County Fair must have been owned, and raised in the county for at least 60 days prior to the show.

6. All wethered animals will compete in the same category, and all wethered animals must be from your family farm, bred and raised by the exhibitor. They cannot be tagged for any other shows. No boer wethers will be allowed to show. There is a separate market show for that.

7. All exhibitors may tag up to two (2) goats per class, showing no more than four (4) animals; one (1) per class.

8- All contestants may wear appropriate show attire. White shirts will not be required.